Friday, October 26, 2007

i must be edumacated!

1) so far I've read about how Muslims have had a hard time in France because of the way french society views them and itself. I've learned that the french are a very homogeneous and homogenizing society, in that they believe that once you move into France you must leave your old culture behind and assimilate into french society. The French believe that holding onto their old culture is detrimental to french unity. To the french, religion also carries a negative connotation, they believe it is a divisive subject. This collective french mentality is deeply ingrained in the republic's laws; one of which is laïcité. Laïcité is the French state's aggressive official secularism. But the real cause for muslim youths turning to crime and violence has less to do with religion and more to do with socioeconomic issues.

2) i want to learn what Muslims think the problem is, and why muslims don't use the government to fight the social and economic injustice, and opt instead for violence and crime as a form of protest.

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